March 29, 2010

To create a tar file.

login into unix(putty):

Enter the IP Address,Provide Username/Password
To go to defined schema cmd: sudo su -  schema name

pwd command used to shw the path,
cd .. command used to caom back from specified path,
ls command used to list files
to compile a file ./filename.extension

Creating a tar file:

Place the specified sql,sh files in bin(sh),sql(sql) if particular top folders.

sql file contains the views code to be created,sh file contains the script path to execute.

now from the particular path create tar file using command,

tar -cvf  /xxhr/per/file.sql 

/xxhr/per says the location of tar files from where it is taking,can add sequence of file paths too.

While compiling special characters may appear to remove

shift ;%s/.$=>:%s/.$


(save and quit)

quit ctrl z

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