March 7, 2010

Form Triggers

Trigger components

1. Trigger Type
2. Trigger Code
3. Trigger Scope

Trigger Type


Trigger Code

PL/SQL code
User Subprograms
Built-in Subprograms
Trigger Scope

Form Level
Block Level
Item Level

Types of triggers and how the sequence of firing in text item:

Triggers can be classified as Key Triggers, Mouse Triggers, Navigational Triggers.

Key Triggers: Key Triggers are fired as a result of Key action.

e.g. Key-next-field, Key-up, Key-Down

Mouse Triggers: Mouse Triggers are fired as a result of the mouse navigation.

e.g. When-mouse-button-pressed, when-mouse-double clicked, etc

Navigational Triggers: These Triggers are fired as a result of Navigation.

E.g. Post-Text-item, Pre-text-item.

We also have event triggers like when–new-form-instance and when-new-block-instance.

We cannot call restricted procedures like go_to(‘my_block.first_item’) in the Navigational triggers But can use them in the Key-next-item.

The Difference between Key-next and Post-Text is an very important question. The key-next is fired as a result of the key action while the post text is fired as a result of the mouse movement. Key next will not fire unless there is a key event.

The sequence of firing in a text item are as follows:

a) pre - text
b) when new item
c) key-next
d) when validate
e) post text

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