March 8, 2010

Forms Basics 2

Environmental variables

ORACLE_PATH : if no specific path is specified oracle searches in this path

Running forms from command line

IFRUN60 fmxfilename username/password@database
multiple-document interface (MDI) parent window
single-document interface (SDI) window

Modes of Operation

Enter Query mode
Normal mode

Displaying Errors

Help—>Display Error.

Types of Blocks

Data block
Control block

Data blocks: It is associated with a specific database table (or view), a stored procedure, a FROM clause query, or transactional triggers.

Control Blocks: It is not associated with a database, and its items do not relate to any columns within any database table. Its items are called control items. For example, you can create many buttons in your module to initiate certain actions and to logically group these buttons in a control block.

Producing Text Files and Documentation

Select File—>Administration—>Convert.


A relation is a Form Builder object that handles the relationship between two associated blocks. You can create a relation either:

• Implicitly with a master-detail form module
• Explicitly in the Object Navigator

Using Variables in Form Builder

• PL/SQL Variables (variables using in trigger blocks)
• Form Builder Variables

Form Builder Variables Syntax of Variables

Item (data base columns) :block_name.Item_name

Global Variables :GLOBAL.variable_name

System Variables :SYSTEM.variable_name


Initializing Global Variables


To remove Global Variables


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Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...