March 8, 2010

Relations in Form

A relation is a Form Builder object that handles the relationship between two associated blocks. You can create a relation either:

• Implicitly with a master-detail form module
• Explicitly in the Object Navigator

Implicitly creation of relation

Once you create a master-detail form module, the Data Block Wizard automatically creates a form object that handles the relationship between two associated data blocks. This object is called a relation.

• The new relation object is created under the master data block node in the Object Navigator with default properties.
• The relation is given the following default name:MasterDataBlock_DetailDataBlock, for example ORDER_ITEM
• Triggers and program units are generated to maintain coordination between the two data blocks.

Creating a Relation Manually

1 Select the master block entry in the Object Navigator.
2 Click the Create icon. The New Relation window is displayed.
3 Specify the name of the relation.
4 Specify the name of the master block.
5 Specify the name of the detail block.
6 Choose your master delete property.
7 Choose your coordination property.
8 Specify the join condition.
9 Click OK.

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