October 27, 2011


In HRMS we do use date with timestamp for EIT ans SIT segments.

To change the format od the date we can use fnd_date.canonical_to_date default function:


before using fnd_date function

SELECT pei_information2 Visit_date from per_people_extra_info where pei_attribute_category = '02' and person_id=1101
After using fnd_date function:

SELECT fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information2) from per_people_extra_info where pei_attribute_category = '02' and person_id=1101

 And you can use to_chat over uit to make it in words as

SELECT TO_CHAR(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information2),'Month ddTH, YYYY') from per_people_extra_info where pei_attribute_category = '02' and person_id=1101


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