March 5, 2010



This document explains the concurrent program registration in the Oracle Applications. It also highlights the steps required to be performed on the UNIX side before the program registration is completed.

Steps in UNIX:

The steps required on the UNIX are as follows:

1. Make sure that the files required for the interface are in the appropriate directories. The programs should be migrated to the $CUST_TOP directories. The CUST_TOP will contain the following sub-directories:

• /sql - all the SQL, PL/SQL scripts.

• /bin - C programs, SQL*Loader (.ctl), shell scripts and any links.

• /install - all installation scripts for database objects (tables, views, sequences, triggers).

• /bad - SQL*Loader bad files.

• /discard - SQL*Loader discard files.

• /srw - Reports 2.5 files.

• /rpt - rpt/rpf files for reports.

• /data/in - data files (.dat) for all inbound interfaces.

• /data/out - data files (.dat) for all outbound interfaces.

2. The file permissions required are as follows:

• /bin - read, write execute to all *.prog and *.ctl programs($ chmod 777 *.prog)

• /sql, /install - read and execute to others ($ chmod 755 *.sql)

3. Create a link between the UNIX script (*.prog) and the $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr. When a program is executed as a concurrent program, the Application passes the sqllogin (apps/apps), userid, username (the user who submits the concurrent request), concurrent request ID, and any additional parameters for the concurrent request as a string that is broken into individual parameters by the fndcpesr script. The UNIX sample script should have the following:









# Display the input script parameters

echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+"


echo " Argument List"

echo "User name : $username"

echo "Request id : $reqid"


echo "Parameters"

echo "Set of Books ID : $parm1"

echo "Feeder System : $parm2"

echo "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+"

The link can be created at the UNIX prompt as follows:

ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr [UNIX script name without the prog extension]

Program Registration:

The program registration has to done in the CONV instance only. They would be registered in the production (BASE/PROD) instance once all the testing is completed. This section explains the procedure for registration of the UNIX script as a concurrent program. The responsibility and navigation path are as follows -

Release Responsibility

11i System Administrator

The registration procedure is as follows -

1. Define Custom Value Set

There will be one concurrent program to run the interfaces within a single module. A value set can be created for the feeder systems with different sources. The concurrent program accepts Feeder System name as a parameter. A custom value set has to be created to validate this parameter. The custom value set can be created as follows :

The navigation path is as follows :

Release Responsibility Path

11i Application Developer Application >> Validation >> Set

The values are as follows :

Field name Value

Value Set Name DXX_FEEDERSYS (XX = GL, AP etc.)


Format Type

Maximum Size

Validation Type Independent

2. Define Values for the Value Set

Once the value set has been defined the values have to be added to the value set.

The navigation path is as follows :

Release Responsibility Path

11i Application Developer Application >> Validation >> Values

The values are as follows :

Field name Value


Value & Description

3. Define Concurrent Program Executable

Define a concurrent program executable for the executable source file which will be used with concurrent programs. The concurrent program executable links the source file logic with the concurrent requests which the users submit to the concurrent manager. The combination of application name plus program name uniquely identifies the concurrent program executable.

The navigation path is as follows :

Release Responsibility Path

11i System Administrator Concurrent >> Program >> Executable

The values are as follows :

Field name Value


Application DPL Custom

Executable The UNIX script name without the extension


Execution File Name The UNIX script name without the extension

Execution Method Host

Save the record.

4. Define Concurrent Program

A concurrent program is an executable file that runs simultaneously with other concurrent programs and with online operations, fully utilizing the hardware capacity. Typically, a concurrent program is a long-running, data-intensive task, such as posting a journal or generating a report.

The navigation path is as follows :

Release Responsibility Path

11i System Administrator Concurrent >> Program >> Define

The values are as follows :

Field name Value

Application XXX Custom

Program e.g. Load Invoices into Interface Table

Short Name UNIX script name without extension


Use In SRS Yes

Enabled Yes








Style Required

Save the record

Click on “Parameters” button. Enter the following values in the new form that opens up.

Field name Value

Seq 10, 20, 30 ……

Parameter Set of Books ID, Feeder System etc.


Enabled Yes


Value Set Name of value set for feeder system.

Default Type

Default Value

Required Yes



Save the record.

5. Query the required Responsibility

Query the Responsibility to which the concurrent program has to be attached.

Release Responsibility Path

11i System Administrator Security >> Responsibility

Go to Query mode (hit F7).

Enter ‘XXXXX Coordinator GUI’ in Responsibility field, e.g. GL SuperUser for GL, Payables Manager for AP, Purchasing Superuser for PO etc. Execute Query (hit F8).

Note down the Request Group Name. The request group for the responsibility is ‘XXXX Coordinator Reports’.

5. Attach the concurrent program to the Request Group

A request security group is the collection of requests, request sets, and concurrent programs that a user, operating under a given responsibility, can select from the Submit requests window. The navigation paths is as follows :

Release Responsibility Path

11i System Administrator Security >> Responsibility >> Request

The following steps should be followed :

A] Go to QUERY mode ( Hit F7).

B] Type ‘XXX Custom’ and ‘XXX Coordinator Reports’ in the Application and Group fields.

C] Execute QUERY (Hit F8).

D] The value in the Group field will show : XXX Coordinator Reports.

E] Navigate to the Requests block and insert a new record -

GUI : Edit-New Record (Oracle Applications top menu).

F] Choose the following values from Quick Pick -

Type : Program

Name : XXX

Save the record.

6. Execution of Concurrent Request

Navigate to the responsibility and execute the concurrent request.

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