July 29, 2015

Oracle Apps Technical-Full Review

Oracle Apps Technical Notes:

Oracle apps is basically standard ‘Oracle Financials’ in the initial stages and well popular for the Financial modules around the World.

After successful market growth in ‘Oracle Financials’ based in has standard the complete ‘E.R.P System’ and adding one by one module to the old “Oracle Financials”.

Up to 10.6 versions this E.R.P System is character based which support on Unix/Linux platforms and the later version are G.U.I Based supporting Windows.

From 11i the ‘Oracle Applications’ is called as ‘E-Business Suite ‘ From this it is completely designed on the basis of internet architecture.

The different Database, Forms and Reports versions if this software is follow:

7.1  /  7.2
Smart Child
Pl/sql , pro*c
10.7 Network
Pl/sql, pro*c
11.0.x  to
2.7(Not Released)
Pl/sql , pro*c

11.5.x      to
8i / 9i
Pl/sql , pro*c
Pl/sql  , pro*c
Pl/sql ,  pro*c

There are 3 types of instances on Oracle Apps, They are:

  1. PROD (Production)- Used in Real time and contain no data.
  2. TEST- Used for R&D and contain no data.
  3. VIS (VISION) – Used for training time it has all testing data useful for all trails.

To find out the version and installation details following table will give:

The details available in this table are as follows:

INSTANCE_NUMBER                            NUMBER
INSTANCE_NAME                                 VARCHAR2 (16)
HOST_NAME                                          VARCHAR2 (64)
VERSION                                                 VARCHAR2 (17)
STARTUP_TIME                                     DATE
STATUS                                                   VARCHAR2 (22)
PARALLEL                                             VARCHAR2 (3)
THREAD#                                                NUMBER
ARCHIVER                                              VARCHAR2 (7)
LOG_SWITCH_WAIT                           VARCHAR2 (11)
LOGINS                                                   VARCHAR2 (10)
SHUTDOWN_PENDING                        VARCHAR2 (3)
DATABASE_STATUS                            VARCHAR2 (17)
INSTANCE_ROLE                                 VARCHAR2 (18)
ACTIVE_STATE                                     VARCHAR2 (10)

The software can be installed in both UNIX and Windows operating systems. The installation directories will be as follow:
   For UNIX                           -/V1/ORACLE
   For WINDOWS                 -D: \ORACLE

The detailed installed directory’s directory structure is explained in the separate MS-EXCEL File Name: Oracle Apps1.xls

Different product families of oracle 11i are as follows

-          Oracle Financials
-          Oracle H.R.M.S.
-          Oracle Manufacturing
-          Oracle Marketing
-          Oracle Administration
-          (SSWA) Self Service Web Applications.

All   SSWA are stored in VISCOM /HTML directory all the command based utilities in VISCOM/ADMIN.

Patch - basically is a solution application for the bugs or product up gradations/

      .cmd for Windows         .sh   for UNIX

ADCMCTL    is used or start the control of the concurrent manager/

ADFRMCTL   - for FORMS server

ADREPCTL   -   for REPORTS server

CCMSVC.EXE drop / to recruit cll services

Fnd represents Application Object Library (AOL)
Fnd is a data dictionary for Oracle Applications.

All the FMB files of all modules are stored in

            D:\oracle\prodappl\au\11.5.0\forms\us     directory.
All the fmx files of all modules are stored in module specific forms directory for example ‘General Ledger’ related fmx files stores in

   D:\oracle\prodappl\gl\11.5.0\forms\us    directory.

In installation directory there are two environmental variables which stores all the path of the directory structures etc. details.  They are ‘PROD.env’ and ‘APPSORA.env’.

Every application have an application Name and application short name. Some of the examples are as follows:

Short Name                                    Application Name

GL                                                    General Ledger
AP                                                     Accounts Payable
AR                                                    Accounts Receivable
OE                                                    Order Entry
PO                                                    Purchase Orders

Oracle Applications have 3 important database schema users which are as follows:

APPLSYS                   APPLSYSPUB                         APPS          

All the database objects of AOL in APPLSYS and all these files will have FND as prefix.

All fnd files user is APPLSYS

APPLSYSPUB has the public synonyms of fnd objects.

Apps contain the public synonym of all the objects of all the modules. APPS is the top most user in ORACLE APPLICATIONS.

When ever the first connection is made to Oracle Applications it will be connected to APPLSYSPUB which internally calls APPLSYS and checks fnd files, User name and password which are stored in FND_USER table.

Users & responsibilities

Responsibility is represents a subset of a module.

A collection of forms is called as a Menu.
A collection of Reports & Programs are called as Request Group.

A Menu and request group is get together called as responsibility.  A responsibility represents partial functionality of a module.


A Responsibility can’t represent multiple modules; it only takes a partial responsibility of a single module.

Out of the 4 major components of a responsibility, Request group is an optional component and the other 3 are mandatory.

To create user / responsibility the responsibility:  System Administratory.

The Navigation for user creation:  Security > user > Define
The navigation for responsibility creation:
            Security > Responsibility > define
All registration details will be captured by AOL module.

AOL is a data dictionary for Oracle Applications.

Some seeded responsibilities of the Oracle important application modules are as follows:

               Seeded Application Name                           Responsibility.      
               Oracle General Ledger                                - General Ledger Super User
               Inventory                                                     - INV_NAVIGATE
               Purchasing                                                    - Purchasing Super User GUI
               OM                                                               - ADS_OM_SUPERMENU
               AP                                                                - AP_NAVIGATE_GUI 12
               AR                                                               - AR_NAVIGATE_GUI
               HRMS                                                          - UK HRMS Navigator
There is another System Administration Responsibility which deals which all the java based Applications.

All the created responsibility information are stored in
                FND_RESPONSIBILITY    table.

All the created user main information are stored in

        Fnd_user table.

All the created user detail information are stored in

                   Fnd_user_groups   table.  (-- Table or view doesn’t exist)


Transfer of data information from one module to another module is called as ‘Cross Module Data Transfer’.

If any report is designed by using two or more module data base tables are called as ‘Cross Module Reporting’.


It is a collection of data base objects which binds both the front end and back end .

Standard and MRC (Multi Reporting Currency) data group are the two data groups provided by Oracle Applications.

Apart from those two data groups, user can create the data groups as per the necessity.

A user defined data groups over rides the functionality of the standard data group.

The responsibility is System Administrator

                    The navigation is Security > Oracle > Data group.


All the tables used in Oracle Applications needs registration.

All the modules in Oracle Applications will have File Objects like .fmx,  .rdf   etc.   Files which are stored in their modules specific TOP directories. And the database objects like database files, sequences etc. are stored in different user schemas, which are specific to the modules.
Example:  GL, AP, AR, INV, PO, OM etc.

All the database objects should create in module specific schema and a public synonym  should be created in APPS  schema.

The registration of a table is mandatory in Oracle Applications in the following two scenarios:

1.      When a flex field is associated with the table.
2.      When an alert is attached to a table.

There are 4 types of tables in Oracle Applications. They are:
1.      Transaction Data Tables.
2.      Interim Tables.
3.      Seed data tables.
4.      Special Tables.
A table which are used to save the data are called ‘Transaction Data Tables’.

A table which are used while converting the data from the other modules or from any legacy system to Oracle applications by using interfaces are called ‘Interim Tables’. These are also called as ‘Staging Tables’.

A table provided by Oracle with their seeded data relates the Oracle Application software are called as ‘seed data tables’.
And special tables are not yet started using and designed for future version purpose.

The Important steps to register a table in Oracle Applications:

  1. Create a table in the module specific schema.
  2. Create a public synonym in the APPS schema.
  3. Register the table
a)      Log on to Oracle Applications using Application Developer Responsibility.
b)      Navigation: Application > Database > Table.
  1. The information given in ‘user table name’ will be displayed in the Record history where ever this table is used.
  2. The form used to register table is ‘FNDADDTC.fmb’.
The tables used to save the information of registered tables are:
By default the Oracle Applications have made this form as query mode only.  The registration process of the tables and columns will be done from the back end only for which Oracle Applications has provided a package called AD_DD.

This Package has the following procedures:

Register_table  --- To register a table.
Register_column---To register columns of a register table.
Register_primary_key----To register primary key.
Register_primary_key_columns----To register primary key columns.
Register_Foreign_key---- To register foreign key.
Register_Foreign_key_columns--- To register foreign key columns.
Dta_column -----   Unregister Columns
Delete_primarykey--- Unregister primary keys.
Delete_foreignkey-----Unregister foreign keys.

The register_table package will take 3 mandatory parameters to register a table, they are
-          Application  short name
-          Table name
-          Table Type
Apart from the above, the following are the other parameters which are non mandatory.
-          Next Extent defaulted with 512
-          PCT Free defaulted with 10
-          PCT Used defaulted with 70

In the similar way the register_column will take 8 parameters to register columns, they are:

-          Application Short Name
-          Table Name
-          Column sequence
-          Column Data Type
-          Column Length
-          Nullable Y/N
-          Transalatable Y/N
Apart from the above, the following are the other parameters which are non manadatory.

-          Presicision Defaulted with null
-          Scale defaulted with null

A Simple example to illustrate the table with column registration is as follows:

             Connect to gl/gl@prod;
Create table demo_table (id number (2),
                                         Name varchar2 (20),
                                         Sal number (9, 2));
Connect to apps/apps@prod;

Create public synonym demo_table for gl.demo_table;

To find the Application short name, we can give the following select query at apps schema.

                Select application_short_name,  application_name from fnd_application
Where application_short_name like (‘%gl %’) or application_name_like    (‘%general%ledger %’);

After getting the application name,

Execute ad_dd.register_table (‘gl’,’demo_table’,’t’, 3, 10, 90);

Please note: The application short name is a case sensitive.


Execute ad_dd.register_column (‘gl’,’demo_table’,’id’, 1, number, 10,’y’,’n’);
We have to register all the columns and finally commit;

Please note:  For date field the data length should be as 11 because the Oracle default date format is ‘DD-MON-YYYY’.

Now you can log on to application Developer and query this table registration.


The form to register view is ‘FNDADDVW’
The table to save this information is ‘FND_VIEW’
The package to register through back end is

The form to register sequence is ‘FNDADDSQ’
The table to save this information is ‘FND_SEQUENSE’
The package to register through back end is


All the forms using in Oracle Applications are needs registration and can be called through a menu prompt which internally calls a form function or through another form which internally calls a non form function.

All the form FMB files are saved in module specific form directory. An ideal AU_TOP forms directory will be

All the form FMX files are saved in module specific form directory. An ideal directory for GL module is as follows:
                        D:\oracle\prodappl\PO\11.5.0\forms\US (For Purchasing)

A menu is nothing but a collection of form functions.
A form function represents the complete functionality of form.
A nom form function represents the partial functionality of form.

The steps to register the form:

  1. Create the form using form builder.
  2. Place the FMB file in AU_TOP forms folder.
  3. Place the FMX file in module specific forms folder.
  4. Register the form in AOL.
    1. Navigation is Application > form
    2. Create a form function for the form being registered.
The Navigation is      Application > Function.

    1. Attach the form function to a menu. The navigation is
                              Application > menu.

While creating the form function, in properties tab, the type is ‘FORM’. The two last tabs i.e. Maintenance mode and context dependency are java based.

For compiling the form in windows D2K environment press ctrl + T and in UNIX environment use F60GEN.

The registered information saves in the following tables:

Forms              - FND_FORM
Functions         - FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS
Menus              - FND_MENU_ENTRIES.

Oracle Applications does not accept the long file names.
File name should always be in Capitals.

Extension name should be in small letters.

Generally the 1st 30 characters of the file name represents the module name, the remaining 5 characters represents the functionality of the file.

(Any custom object will prefix XX followed by two characters code of the business entity. This is not a rule but industry standard)


All the reports or SQL*LOADER files and script files are need to be registered in Oracle Applications.

The steps for Registration:

  1. Create a report using Report Builder.
  2. Place the RDF file in both AU_TOP and module TOP specific reports folder.
  3. Register the Report in AOL.
    1. Create an executable for the report.
    2. Create a concurrent program for this executable.
    3. Attach the concurrent program to a Request group using the system Administrator Responsibility.

The Navigation for Executable Creation is

            Concurrent > Executable

While creating the Executable for any Report the following mandatory information to be given,
                        Executable Name.
                        Short Name
                        Application Name
                        Execution Method     & Executable File Name.
Please note that the short name given in this menu is to link this executable while creating a program.

Application Name in which this Report should run.

Execution methods this is to indicate the Oracle Application in the report is designed. There are following types:

1.      Host
2.      Immediate
3.      Java Concurrent program
4.      Multi language function
5.      Oracle Reports
6.      PL/SQL stored procedure
7.      Request set stage function
8.      Spawaned
9.      SQL * LOADER
10.  SQL * PLUS

The Executable file name is the actual file name of the report saved in the module specific reports directory without giving the extension name.

The information of the created executable is saved in
                        FND_EXECUTABLES      Table.
The navigation for program creation is

                        Concurrent > Define.
While creating the program for any Executable, the following mandatory information to be given,
                        Program Name
                        Short Name
                        Application Name
                        Executable Name
                        Print Style

The program name is the name, which appears to the user while the user select the report in SRS Window.
            SRS - Standard Request Submission.

Application Name in which the report should appear.

Executable Name is the name of the executable created in previous window.

Print style is the style in which the report should print, if the user opts for printing like landscape/portrait ctc.

The information of the created programs is saved in
                        FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS   Table.

The Navigation for Request Group attaching / Creation is through System Administration responsibility.

                        Security > Responsibility > Request.

Query a request group in which you want to add the report and add a record in the detail block to add the report.
You can create a new request group also in this screen which you need to attach the required responsibility to enable the user to access the report. As the responsibility can have only one request group, it is good practice to add the report to the existing request group.

The information of the Request Groups is saved in


The creation of Executable, Define of program and adding to request set can also be done from back end using the following procedures.

1.      Executable                             >>  FND_PROGRAM.EXECUTABLE
2.      Define program                      >> FND_PROGRAM.REGISTER
3.      Add parameter in program     >> FND_PROGRAM.PARAMETER
4.      Add to request group           >> FND_PROGRAM.ADD_TO_GROUP.

These are a set of values, used to validate/input certain data while passing parameters to flex fields or Reports.

Attribute columns are used to add additional information.

Value sets is an object in Oracle Applications used to validate the data, which comes into the additional columns of the second tables.

Steps to create a value set:

  1. Log on to Oracle Applications using Application Developer Responsibility.
  2. The Navigation is       Application > Validation > set.
  3. While creating the value set the following information is need to be given
    1. Value Set Name
    2. List Type
    3. Format Type
    4. Maximum Size
    5. Minimum Value & Maximum value for number types
    6. Validation Type

Different list types are   : 

                        List of values
                        Long List of values
                        Pop List

The major difference in List of values and Long list of values is providing the data filters. Data filters are mandatory in long list of values.

Different Format Types are: 

                        Date Time
                        Standard Date
                        Standard Date time

Oracle Advised to user standard date and standard date time as it is withdrawing the Date & Date types in future versions.

There are 3 optional check boxes after the format types, They are

            Numbers Only                                     - Allow only numeric data
            Uppercase only                                                - Allow character with upper case only.
            Right Justify & Zero fill numbers        - It left the value with Zeros to the maximum size.

Different Validation Types are:

Dependent                               - It dependants another value set.
Independent                             - It provides a list of values
None                                        - Doesn’t provide any list of values
Pair                                          - It provides two values like from date & to date
Special                                     -
Table                                       - Provides the list of values from a database table.
Translatable Independent         - For Multi language reports.
Translatable Dependent                       - For multi language reports.

All the value sets information are saved in

                        FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS   Table.
We can provide any static values for independent value set apart from the table values also.

Only when we attach the value set to a parameter then it gets executed.

For Table value sets:

When validation type is only Table, the edit information button gets activated. By clicking this button a new window opens where you can select the table from which you need the values for which you need to select the application name and then table name. After select the both, the columns of this table are available for selection.

You can give any where clause, order by clause while getting the values from column as mandatory.

For FND_RESPONSIBILITY the sequence for the id generation is FND_RESPONSIBILITY_S.


For all the parametric reports in Oracle Applications, the value is mandatory for the parameter.
Except the following additional step all the steps are common for parametric report registration as a normal report registration.
While creating the program, you need to register the parameters for which there is a button called ‘PARAMETERS’ in the bottom of the screen.

In the parameters option, you need to give the following information mandatory:
1.      Sequence of the parameter.
2.      Parameter name (This will display while the report is running at SRS window).
3.      Attach a value set.
4.      Token (This is the actual parameter defined in the SQL query of the report).
PL/SQL Procedure Registration:

All the navigation and procedure are same as Reports registration except the Execution method in creation of Executable. You need to give PL/SQL program instead of Oracle Reports.

Please note there are two mandatory out parameters for any PL/SQL program used in Oracle Applications, They are,
                        Errbuf -   Varchar2 Data type.
                        Retcode - Number Data type.
And these two parameters are need not to register while registration of program in parameter form.

Any other parameters used in the PL/SQL program should be followed these two parameters and the other parameters need to be mentioned in parameter option of program creation.

Please note that the token is neednot to mention for any Pl/SQL program.


Gap analysis is the identification of the gap between the legacy system columns with Apps system columns.

GAP may be data, reports and forms.

GAP is the variation between the data and programs within the legacy system & ERP application.

In general, the mapping document will be designed by Functional Consultants where it will be defined which column in legacy should be mapped to APPS column.

The technical consultant needs to bring the data in to technology independent flat file which can read by Oracle.

To transfer data from the flat files to staging tables the program will be called as loader program. For this there are two important utilities,

            They are
1.      SQL * LOADER
2.      UTL_FILE
The major difference between the SQL * LOADER and the UTL_FILE are as follows:

It is a tool of Oracle
A DBMS utility package
Use ‘c’ Language
Pl/SQL Language
 Can be executed only on server
Server & Client side also executed
Can not validate data
Data can validate
not directory specific
Directory specific
Command based utility
Can executed at SQL prompt
Performance efficient
Performance inefficient
Doesn’t need DBA permission
Needs DBA permission

Data migration is of two types, they are

1.      Data conversion which is one time activity.
2.      Interfaces which is a recurring activity.


A Simple example to convert the following flat file data to Oracle in Oracle Receivables Module.

                        C:\sample.dat (Name)
                        1, rajasekhar, 4000
                        2, swatantra, 6000
                        3, nanda, 8000
                        4, pranay, 9000
                        5, reddy, 12000

Steps to convert this data to APPS:

  1. Connect to database ar/ar@prod.
  2. Create table load_demo (id number,name varchar2(20),sal number(9,2));
  3. Connect to apps/apps@prod.
  4. Create public synonym load_demo for ar.load_demo.
  5. Create a control( .ctl ) file with the following lines
             Load data infile ‘c: \sample.dat’
             Insert into table load_demo
             Fields terminated by ‘,’
             Optionally enclosed by ‘”’
              trailing nullcols
             (Id, name, sal)

                  OR We can give the data also here instead of save ‘C: \sample.dat’

                  Load data infile * insert into table load_demo
                  Fields terminated by ‘.’ Optionally enclosed by ‘”’
trailing nullcols
 (Id, name, sal)
                         1, rajasekhar, 4000
                        2, swatantra, 6000
                        3, nanda, 8000
                        4, pranay, 9000
                        5, reddy, 12000
      6.   saves this file with the name ‘sample.ctl’ in D:\oracle\prodappl\ar\11.5.0\bin directory.
      7. Register the script in AOL with execution method as SQL * LOADER script.
           (Please note   there will not be any parameters allowed)
      8. Create a program.
      9. Attach to a request group.
     10. Run from the specified Responsibility in SRS Window.
     11. Check in ar schema for the converted data..


These are the utilities provided by Oracle Applications to convert the data from one module to the or from any legacy system to Oracle Applications.

It is very important that, one should not update any Interface tables under any situation which Oracle treats as a crime.

A Technical consultant will converts the data from technology independent legacy system files to technology dependant Oracle tables (Interim/Staging Tables) as a first step in converting the data.

All the validations will be done before converting the data from the staging tables to interface tables. A successful code generated by the technical consultant will transfer all the records from the staging table to interface table.

Once the data is transferred to interface tables, Oracle Applications has provided an important program to convert the data from this interface tables to actual module specific tables.


‘IMPORT STANDARD PURCHASE ORDER ‘program from front for which the following are the parameters to be given.
            1. DEFAULT BUYER
            4. BATCH ID.

For creating any new module/application in Oracle Applications the following are the major mandatory things to be created.


 Steps to create the custom Module:

1.Log on to Application Developer and Register the application name. The navigation is Application > Register.
2.Give the application name as ‘Custom Application’, Short name ‘CUST’, Base path ‘CUST_TOP’.
3.Create an user for cust schema by giving the following command : Create user cust identified by cust ; Grant connect, resource to cust;
4.In general the table space for a schema is 2 GB and index table space is 1/5th of the data base.
5.Create a directory structure in APPL_TOP  folders as follows:
6.Create the user of the custom application in system Administration Responsibility.
7.Create the tables in cust schema.
8.Create the public synonym in apps schema.
9.Repeat the same two steps for views/sequences.
10.  Create forms.
11.  Place the .fmb files in AU_TOP form folder.
12.  Place the .fmx files in CUST_TOP forms folder.
13.  Register the forms in AOL. (Application > form).
14.  Create the form function for forms.(Application > function ).
15.  Create menu (Application > Menu).
16.  Attach the form function to menu.
17.  Create the reports.
18.  Place the .rdf files in both AU_TOP and CUST_TOP reports folder.
19.  Create an executable for reports.
20.  Create the concurrent program for the executables.
21.  Create request group and attach the programs.
22.  Attach the custom application to the standard data group.
23.  Create the responsibility for the custom application.
24.  Create a user and associates the custom responsibility to this user.
25.  Modify the PROD.env file in Oracle Directory with the CUST_TOP directory details.
26.  Execute the PROD.cmd to make changes in windows registry also.
27.  Log on to Oracle Apps and access the custom application through the custom responsibility.

While Doing the above steps the following points to be noted:

1.When registering the application database in Oracle Applications
(N > Oracle > Register), It is good practice that, the database user name and password should be same. The privilege is ‘Enabled’.
2.There are 4 Types of privileges for any database , they are as follows:
a.       Enabled  Allow , Insert , Delete , Update , Select
b.      Disabled No DML, NO Select.
c.       Restricted only Select.
d.      Externally can access data from external data base.
3.Install group is 0 or 1 , If you give install group as zero the Oracle Applications will allow you to create one set of books for this application. It is always (n+1).
4.All the data group information is stored in FND_DATA_GROUPS and FND_DATA_GROUP_UNITS tables.

      Steps for create new TOP.
1.      Create one table in Scott or any application (AP, AR, GL,).
2.      Grant permissions on table to apps.
3.      Create a new TOP (Directory).
4.      Register your own top.
5.      Copy .fmb and .pll files.
6.      Building custom form.
7.      Define Responsibility, Form, Function & Menu.

Grant permissions on a table:

            Enter to SQL with apps user.
            SQL> conn scott/tiger@prod.
            SQL>Grant all on DEPT to apps;
            SQL>Conn apps/apps@prod.
            SQL>Create public synonym dept for scott.dept;
            SQL>select * from dept;

Create a new (your own) TOP (Directory):

                        Right click & select a new folder ---NEW_TOP.
                        NEW_TOP > 11.5.0 > forms, reports, log, bin, sql, resource, java, admin, patch
                        NEW_TOP > 11.5.0 > forms > US / reports > US.
Register your own top (NEW_TOP):

A.     Edit PROD.cmd (windows) -> oracle \ prodappl.
              Prod.env (Linux)
        Set NEW_TOP in D:\oracle\prodappl\new_top \11.5.0
         Run the script
               D:\oracle\prodappl\prod.cmd (At Windows RUN).
               D:\oracle\prodappl\set new_top.
B.   Regedit           Run

HKey > Local Machine > software > oracle > applications > 11.5.0 > prod >
DEV35 (System Name).

Here Right click, New > String Value

Double click on NEW_TOP & Give path D:\oracle\prodappl\new_top\11.5.0     & close.

Copy .fmb & .pll files:
a.      Copy .fmb files
Copy Template.fmb, Apstand.fmb & Paste to your top.
a.      Copy .pll files.
                    Copy all .pll files & paste in D:\oracle\prodora\8.0.6\forms
Building Custom form:

                Open your forms   template.fmb & apstand.fmb
               Select   Template.fmb & save as new form.fmb

     In Data blocks delete all items (Data Block & Detailed Block)

              In Triggers PRE_FORM -à  NEW_TOP   in place of new_form
                  Then Compile & Save.
Click on Program Units  à select first one (package body) if (wnd=’block name’)
                           Compile & Save through (Program à Compileàall).  
                                            (File à Administrationà Compile file) & Save.   

 Define Responsibility:

        Switch Responsibility to Application Developer.
               è Application à Register.
     Application = New_appl; Short Name= new_appl; Base path = New_top; Desc =Sample
               è Application àForm.
     Form=new_form; Application=new_appl; user form name=new_form;
               èApplication à Function.
     Function=new_function; user function name=new_function; form=new_form;
      Menu=new_menu; user menu name=new_menu.
       Seq=1; Prompt=cust_form; sub menu=’xxx’; function=new_function; Grant=Enabled.

Switch to SYSADMIN:

               è SecurityàResponsibilityàDefine.
       Here Fill Application – new_appl; Data group= Standard Group;

               Create User   & Add Responsibility to This User. //////


               This is also another utility to convert the data from flat file to table.
                 Some Important Commands are,
                           FOPENà TO OPEN FILE.
                           FCLOSEà TO CLOSE FILE.
                           GETLINEà TO READ A LINE FROM FLAT FILE.
                           PUTLINEà WRITE A LINE TO DATA FILE.
     A generic structure of a UTL_FILE is as follows:

                           File utl_file.file-type;
                           Rec varchar2 (80);
                           FILE: = UTL_FILE.FOPEN (‘C: \TEMP’, ‘SAMP.DAT’, ‘R’);
                           UTL_FILE.GET_LINE (FILE, REC);
                           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (REC);
                           WHEN OTHERS THEN
                           UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (FILE);

Saves the above information in a file as C:\utl.sql and run the same from SQL prompt as @c: \utl;
         The data will be displayed on the screen.
  /* sample program to load into .csv file */

         Function dump (p_dir varchar2 default ‘c: \temp’,
                                 P_separator varchar2 default ‘,’,
                                 P_filename varchar2)
         Return number     is  
              L_output  utl_file.file_type;
             L_separator varchar2 (10) default ‘’;
             Cursor c is select * from EMP;
              X   c%rowtype;
                              L_output:=utl_file.fopen (p_dir, p_filename,’w’);
               Open c;
                                    Fetch c into x;
                                    Exit when c%notfound;
                                    Utl_file.put (l_output, l_separator||x.empno);
                                    Utl_file.new_line (l_output);
                        End loop;
               Close c;
                                    Utl_file.fclose (l_output);
                                    Return (‘successes);

/* Procedure to dump the values into to data base using UTL File */

  Procedure dump2 (p_dir  varchar2  default ‘c:\temp’,
                              p_filename  varchar2,
                              p_separator varchar2  default ‘,’) 

           L  utl_file.line_type;
          record   varchar2(1000);
           X   emp.ename%type;
           Y    emp.empno%type;
          Z    emp.sal%type;        

                        L: =utl_file.fopen (p_dir, p_filename, and ‘r’);
                           For I in   1. . 14   loop
                                    utl_file.get_line (L, record);
                                    Select to number (substr (record, 1, instr (record,’’1, l)-1) ;
                                                Into y from dual;
                        x:= substr(record, instr(record,’,’1,1) + 1, instr(record,’,’ , 1,2) INSTR(RECORD, ‘ , ‘ , 2,1) -1));
           select   to_number(substr(record,instr(record,’ ,’ 1,2 ) + 1 , instr(record , ‘ , ‘ -1,1)))  into z from dual;
            dbms_output.put_line(y || ‘ ‘ || x||’ ‘ ||z);
Insert into sample values (y, x, z);
end loop;


A View created based on a parameter passed to the view is called parametric views.  All the views used in Oracle Applications are only parametric views.

A  Basic construction of a parametric view is as follows:

Create view   view_name (parameter   data type) as select * from Table_name   where col.name = parameter;


Most of the Oracle Applications are developed using D2K forms.  To make the total software in similar look like font sizes, LOV Positions, colors , properties  of the different objects, Oracle has provided the following files using which ,  we  can develop any new forms also which resembles completely as the forms supplied by Oracle Applications.

For this, Oracle Applications has provided a TEMPLATE.fmb file which is already attached with required   .PLL files and all Visual attributes and property class files.

Some important .PLL files are:

10.  PSAC
11.  VERT
Some important object groups are:


Steps to Build a new form using TEMPLATE.fmb:

1.      Take a copy if TEMPLATE.fmb from AU_TOP forms folder/ Resource folder (Recommended).
2.      Please note that the size of  TEMPLATE.fmb  in 11.5.9  Version is  360  KB,  In  is  376  KB.
3.      Delete the Blocks with the names BLOCKNAME and DETAILBLOCK.
4.      Delete the canvas with BLOCKNAME.
5.      Delete the Window with the BLOCKNAME.
6.      Please note that, Window name,  Canvas name ,  Procedure  or  Function should be as  block name.  And  package  name  as   form   name.
7.      Create  a window  and  assign  ‘Window  Property Class’  to this:
          a). Sub Class information à Window.
8.  Create a Canvas  and  assign  ‘ Canvas Property Class ‘ to this :
          a). Subclass information  à Canvas.
9. Assign window to canvas and canvas to window.
10. Create a Block in the Custom Canvas .  Subclass information à Block,
11. Assign TEXT_ITEM Property  Class to all text items.
12. Modify the ‘ APP_CUSTOM’( Package Body) as follows:   If ( wnd = ‘win1’)  then
          Here ‘Win1’  is your own Window name.
13. Modify    Two  Triggers:
       a). PRE_FORM à Console Window name ---  Our Block name.
                     b). WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCEà TEMPLATE--- NEW_FORM ( Your  Form Name)
               14. Save the form and Compile  the form .
               15. Place the form  FMB  file  in AU_TOP forms folder.
               16. Place the form FMX file in Module specific TOP form folder.
               17.  Register the form in AOL.
                         Go to Application Developer.
a)      Register Form (Application >  Form ).
b)      Attach Form to Function .( Application > Function ).
c)      Attach Function to Menu ( Application > Menu ).
d)      Attach Menu to Responsibility.
e)      Attach Responsibility to User.


A  Construction of different identifying factors are called as “ FLEX FIELDS”.

A Flex field is a Collection of  Flex field structure.

A Flex field structure is a collection of segments.

A Segment can take up set of   Values.

For Each  Value there  is an associated code  combination.

The Business  Rules are defined by identifying the valid code combinations.

The Maximum code  combinations are  the factorial  of   segments  number.

All the code combinations of flex  fields in GL Module are  stored  in  GL_CODE_COMBINATION_KFV  Table.

For Every structure has one structure  id  will be created  in  FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES  Table.

In this file the definition  of segments will be defined.

Every Code Combination will have an ID.

These Flex fields are of two types,  They are :


à To capture the key business information key Flex fields are used.
à To Capture the additional business information Descriptive Flex fields are used.
à KFF are made up of segment prefix  columns.
à DFF are made up of attribute prefix  columns.
à For each segment the value set is mandatory.
à For DFF    Value set is optional.
à A KFF maximum can have  9  segments.
à A DFF  maximum  can have  15  attributes.
à A value of KFF segment is structured  id,  code combination  id,  coded value of segments.
à A value of DFF attribute is Attribute category,  value  for attribute.


      Accounting Key Flex field is available  in GL Module.
         To enter any Transaction in GL Module ,  we use the Journal Entry .
         It has two modes Journal mode / Batch Mode.

         Each Journal has multiple lines.

         A   Journal line  entry either  has  a debit /  Credit  amount.

         All  the  Debit amount  totals should  tally  with  Credit amount  totals.

         All the Journal  information  is stored  in the following  tables.


         General  Ledger is implemented by a set of books.

         A Set of Books  is  a  collection of   3  C’s  .  They  are,

                        CHART OF ACCOUNTS.

To implement chart of accounts  we use Key Flex field.

The setup  information of GL  is stored  in GL_SET_OF_BOOKS  Table.

To set up the calendar  the  Navigation is:

While  Defining  a Calendar  ,  We need  to make  the following  points.

1.Name of the calendar is mandatory.
2.Year types are of two types i.e. Calendar  Year ( Jan -  Dec ) /  Fiscal Year ( Ape -  Mar ).
3.Periods  may  be a month, quarter  or ever  a  day.
4.Always periods must be actual  number + 1,  Which is for adjustment period.
5.For Example ,  if  you take month  as a period type, we should  define 13 periods.  13th is for adjustments.

All the calendar period information are stored in GL_PERIODS  and

All the Journals enter  into Oracle Applications are called as UNPOSTED Journals.

There is a  GL_BALANCES  master table  in GL  Module , Which will  maintain the opening and closing if a open period.

All financial statements will come from this  open period.

A ‘ POST PROGRAM ‘ will update the  GL_BALANCES  by posting the unposted  Journals.

When a current period is closed the ‘ POST PROGRAM ‘   is automatically run to update the GL_BALANCES.

All the left out  entries of the closed period will be entered in the adjustment period.

To Define CURRENCY the Navigation is:

To Define the Flex field structure for chart of accounts :


Create segments for Accounting Flex Fields and attach the value sets  or  each  segment.  Freeze  the structure and  compile  the structure.

To Define the set of books:


Create the set of books with the created chart of accounts flex field.

While creating the set of books ,  future periods is the number how many  periods, we can enter entries even without ‘ Opening the period ‘.

The set of books information is saved in:

                        GL_SETS_BOOKS  Table.

                                                ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MODULE

All the setup information of the Oracle Accounts Receivable module are stores in

                        AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS  Table.

All Organization information is stored in


To Know the current operating unit organization id  from backend.


To Know the Current operating unit organization id from front end.

            BLOCK NAME > PROFILES.
            FIELD  > ORG_ID.

The Operating units defined to which responsibility is defined by PROFILE  OPTIONS.

The profile options is a set of parameters which define the access to various components of Oracle Applications.  These are of two types.

            SYSTEM PROFILES   – Module independent.
            USER PROFILES    - Module dependent.

User Profiles are having module short name as prefix.

You can assign the profile option values at  4 levels.

1.      SITE LEVEL.
4.      USER LEVEL

A Business entity must go for multiple set of books when the operating  units within a business entity have different functional currency   or different  accounting calendars   or  different chart of accounts.

Profile option settings can be set with the following navigation in SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION  Responsibility.

               PROFILE   >  SYSTEM.

A Profile Option is created by application developer responsibility and it is assigned  a value  by system Administrator Responsibility.

A User profile option can not be assigned a value at user level.
A Site level profile option will be over rights by Applied on level profile option.

An Application level profile option will over rights by Responsibility level profile option.

All the profile option information is saved in


Note:  All  the General Ledger modules tables do not have  ORG_ID.

An ideal flow of the Accounts receivable module is as follows:

                        Create a Customer      ( Customer   > Standard  ).

                        Create Customer Transaction.


                        Transfer to GL.

                        In GL Post program to update balances.

            Customer  >  Standard.

It will give a query find window first,  if the given code’s customer is not found ,  it will prompts to create a new one and asks all the required information.

All the Customer related information are saved in :

TCA: Trade Community Architecture.

All the parties created for Order Management ,  Shipping, Inventory, Accounts Receivables will be in above Tables.

A Party can be an Employee, Employee dependents or Organization .

The Basic table is  HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS.
Customer Name is Party name in HZ_PARTIES.

Party_id  is  Customer_id.

Customer_No   is  Account_Number  in  HZ_PARTIES.

Party residing Places will be stored in HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL.

All the profiles attached to the customers are defined in HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES.

The Credit limit of a Customer is saved in HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS.

RA_HCUSTOMERS  is  a View  which derive the date from  HZ_PARTIES,  HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT  Tables.

A Detailed flow of information linked with Accounts Receivables and Order Management  is as follows:

               Create Customer.
               Enter Order.
               Book Order.
               Pick Release the Order.
               Drop Shipment.
               Internal Sales Order.
               Work Flow Back Ground Process.
               Transfer the Released Order to RA_INTERFACE_LINES.        
               Invoice auto import.
               Create Invoice.
               Transfer to GL.
               Update GL Balances.

To Raise Invoice in Accounts Receivables Module the Navigation:
                        Transaction  > Transactions.

The Information of the transactions will be stored in


Invoice­_no is  Identified by TRX_NUMBER  Column.

There are  Three Types of    Invoices:

            1. Invoice             à   Standard.
            2. Credit Memo    à For excess value billed / Return goods.
            3. Debit Memo     à For Less Value Billed.
            4. Charge Back     à Create a new Invoice for Remaining Balance After the Due Date.
             5. Guarantee         à It is an Agreement without deposit for fixed amount.
   6. Deposit             à Advance amount paid by Customers as Security.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID  is used to link  RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL  With other  Transaction related views.

To pick  up  the  Customer  details  you can  link  Party_id  in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS  and  HZ_PARTIES    with  sold to  cust_id    of  RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.

In Transaction lines  they are  3 types  :


The Values distributed to General  Ledger  accounts  are stored in 


There are two status in AR_PAYMENTS_SCHEDULE_ALL, They  are, 


To Know on how many invoices the receipt  is saved  in:

All the suppliers details are generally defined in PURCHASING  Module and the information will be saved in

Purchasing module do not have any interface tables.

PO_VENDORS  are  not  ORGANIZATION  specific,  Where  as  sites  and  contacts  are  ORGANIZATION  Specific.

A Supplier type  is identified by  VENDOR_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE.

Stocks  receive  matching is of  two types.

               1. PURCHASE ORDER.
               2. PURCHASE ORDER RECEIPT.

Vendor number is stored in SEGMENT1

A Supplier site payment terms always over rights  the supplier payment terms.

The interface tables in Accounts payable module are:


After the import is done using OPEN INVOICES IMPORT  program,  the data will be entered into the following tables.

INVOICE_ID  is the common column between the above 3 tables to join.

All the invoices entered should be validated in through the validate option from actions button.

FND_FLEX_EXT.GET_CCID   is  used   to  return  code  combination  id  of  flex  field  combination  if exists.   Otherwise   it creates the id  and  returns  the id ,  For this,  we need:

                        Application Short Name.
               Flex field code.
               Structure  id.


There is a custom.pll  in Oracle Applications through which  we can change the functionality lf a form  with out  changing anything  in  the  from .

Different procedures  available in  CUSTOM.PLL    are:


Steps to use  the  CUSTOM.PLL:

1.Open the required form in D2K.
2.Open the CUSTOM.PLL in the PL/SQL   library of the form.
3.Change the code in CUSTOM.PLL  as per the required changes  of  the  functionality.
4.Compile the CUSTOM.PLL.
5.Delete already attached CUSTOM.PLL  in the form.
6.Re attach the newly changed and compiled CUSTOM.PLL  to the form.
7.Compile the form .
8.Copy the Revised   .fmb     file  to  AU_TOP  Forms folder.
9.Copy the Revised   .fmx     file  to Module specific  Forms  folder.
10.  Check the changed  functionality of the form front end.

ZOOM    AVAILABLE   in the Procedure used in the CUSTOM.PLL to open another form from the current form.

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments submitted.,will review and Post soon! by admin.


Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...