August 8, 2010

New Form Quick Review

New Form Development
Edit PRE‐FORM trigger at form level
FND_STANDARD.FORM_INFO('$Revision: 115.12 $', 'JP Media Form', 'JP','$Date: 2003/12/19 11:02 $', '$Author: appldev $');
app_window.set_window_position('MYWINDOW', 'FIRST_WINDOW');

Edit the program unit’s APP_CUSTOM body

if (wnd = 'MYWINDOW') then
elsif (wnd = '') then
elsif (wnd = '') then
end if;

Application Application -> Register
Form Application-> Form
Function Application-> Function
Menu Application-> Menu
Responsibility Security->Responsibility ->Define
User Security-> User -> Define

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Thanks for your comments submitted.,will review and Post soon! by admin.


Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...