August 5, 2010

HRMS Tables

HRMS BASE TABLES:(Table _F are date tracked tables)
  • PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F: DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people. Primary Key:PERSON_ID .The columns START_DATE,EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE are all maintained by DateTrack. The START_DATE is the date when the first record for this person was created.
(Object Version Number: Keeps track of Date change.The triggers maintains the object_version_number column when a record is modified via an interface which does not support the object_version_number explicitly. This ensures the object_version_number is maintained consistently.)
                    Database Triggers:
                 Trigger Name : SSP_PER_T1
                 Trigger Time : AFTER
                 Trigger Level : ROW
                 Trigger Event : UPDATE

                Trigger Name : PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F_OVN
                Trigger Time : BEFORE
                Trigger Level : ROW
                Trigger Event : INSERT, UPDATE
  • PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F:Employee and applicant assignment details.And is the DateTracked table.The ASSIGNMENT_TYPE is E for an employee assignment, and A for an applicant assignment.EX_EMP for an X-Employee.Primary Key:ASSIGNMENT_ID.Employee can have Multiple Assignments But need to hold one primary Assignments.
           Database Triggers
           Trigger Name : PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F_OVN
           Trigger Time : BEFORE
           Trigger Level : ROW
           Trigger Event : INSERT, UPDATE
  • PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES:The definitions of extra information types that may be held against an assignment.Primary_key:INFORMATION_TYPE
  • PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS:Amendments to predefined assignment status types.Primary Key:ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID.The HRMS system Always checks the PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS table for the existence of status types before checking the PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES table.
  • PER_GRADES Grade definitions for a business group.Primary Key:GRADE_ID
  • PER_JOBS Jobs defined for a Business Group
  • PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES The table holds the definitions of extra information types that may be held against a person.
  • PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE:Period of service details for an employee.Primary_id:PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID.
            Database Triggers
           Trigger Name : SSP_PDS_T2
           Trigger Time : AFTER
           Trigger Level : STATEMENT
           Trigger Event : UPDATE
  • PER_PERSON_TYPES:holds the list of names that may be used when entering or changing person types.This determines the employee is ex-employee or employee in USER_PERSON_TYPE Column.
  • PER_SPINAL_POINTS:stores a list of progression points from a pay scale and their incremental order number .
PayRoll Tables:
PAY_ALL_PAYROLLS_F:is the DateTracked table.Payroll group definitions.DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people.Primary key:PAYROLL_ID.

The definition of the payroll includes the default processing information for consolidation sets,
payment types, cost allocation, and offset dates.
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F:is the DateTracked table that holds the list of element entries for each assignment
PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F:is the DateTracked table that holds the actual values entered for a specific element entry.
PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_F:is the DateTracked table that holds the eligibility rules that link elements to groups of employees.
  • Database Triggers

           Trigger Name : PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_T1
           Trigger Time : AFTER
           Trigger Level : ROW
           Trigger Event : UPDATE
PAY_ELEMENT_SETS:Has the list of selected or rejected elements for a particular payroll.With the category of its definition like tax,allowance.
PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F:is the DateTracked table that holds the definitions of the input values associated with a specific element.Primary Key:INPUT_VALUE_ID
PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F:Payment methods used by a Business the DateTracked table.It includes details of the payment type (cash, check/cheque, magnetic tape) and the source bank account.
PAY_ORG_PAY_METHOD_USAGES_F:Details of personal payment methods for individual employees are held in.
PAY_PAYMENT_TYPES:Types of payment that can be processed by the system.
PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS:Holds information about a payroll process., including their type and all the parameters passed to them.
PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS:contains the people group flexfield segment values for individual employee assignments.
PAY_RUN_RESULTS:the run results from processing each element entry. There is always a single run result for each entry.
PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES:Result values from processing a single element entry.
Other Important tables:
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES:Records of absence, or attendance for an employee.
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES User defined absence types.

PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASONS Valid absence reasons for an absence type.
PAY_GL_INTERFACE Costed details to be passed to the General Ledger.
PAY_COST_ALLOCATIONS_F Cost allocation details for an assignment.
PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_KEYFLEX Cost Allocation key flexfield combinations table. allocation details at the assignment level.
PAY_COSTS:Cost details and values for run results.

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