December 24, 2011

AR Tables 11i

Query for Subledger Transfer to GL

SELECT    gjjlv.period_name             "Period Name"
        ,                      "Batch Name"
        , gjjlv.header_name             "Journal Entry For"
        , gjjlv.je_source               "Source"
        ,glcc.concatenated_segments     "Accounts"
        , NVL(gjjlv.line_entered_dr,0)  "Entered Debit"
        , NVL(gjjlv.line_entered_cr,0)   "Entered Credit"
        , NVL(gjjlv.line_accounted_dr,0) "Accounted Debit"
        , NVL(gjjlv.line_accounted_cr,0) "Accounted Credit"
        , gjjlv.currency_code            "Currency"
        ,                    "Trx type"
        , rcta.trx_number                "Trx Number"
        , rcta.trx_date                  "Trx Date"
        , RA.CUSTOMER_NAME               "Trx Reference"
        , gjh.STATUS                     "Posting Status"
        , TRUNC(gjh.DATE_CREATED)        "GL Transfer Dt"
        , gjjlv.created_by               "Transfer By"
      , gl_je_lines gje
      , gl_je_headers gjh
      , gl_je_batches gjb
      , ra_customer_trx_all rcta
      , apps.ra_customers ra
      , apps.gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc
      , ra_cust_trx_types_all rctype
WHERE     gjh.period_name IN ('OCT-2008','NOV-2008')
AND       glcc.code_combination_id = gje.code_combination_id
AND       gjh.je_batch_id = gjb.je_batch_id
AND       gjh.je_header_id = gje.je_header_id
AND       gjh.period_name = gjb.default_period_name
AND       gjh.period_name = gje.period_name
AND       gjjlv.period_name = gjh.period_name
AND       gjjlv.je_batch_id = gjh.je_batch_id
AND       gjjlv.je_header_id = gjh.je_header_id
AND       gjjlv.line_je_line_num  = gje.je_line_num
AND       gjjlv.line_code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
AND       gjjlv.line_reference_4 = rcta.trx_number
AND       rcta.cust_trx_type_id = rctype.cust_trx_type_id
AND       rcta.org_id = rctype.org_id
AND       ra.customer_id = rcta.bill_to_customer_id

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Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...