December 24, 2011

AR Tables 11i


transaction types stored in RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL


The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_ID.

-If you entered a credit memo, PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID
 stores the customer transaction identifier of the invoice you credited,otherwise it is null.

-invoice against a commitment  INITIAL_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID,otherwise it is null.

-COMPLETE_FLAG stores ’Y’ for Yes and ’N’ for No


-The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID
-QUANTITY_ORDERED stores the amount of product ordered
-QUANTITY_INVOICED stores the amount of product invoiced

**For invoices entered through the window, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED must be the same.
  For invoices imported through AutoInvoice, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED can be different**

-If you enter a credit memo, QUANTITY_CREDITED stores the amount of product credited
-UOM_CODE stores the unit of measure code as defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE
-UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE stores the list price per unit for this transaction line.
 UNIT_SELLING_PRICE stores the selling price per unit for this transaction line.
 For transactions imported through AutoInvoice, UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE and UNIT_SELLING_PRICE can be different.
-**LINE_TYPE differentiates between the different types of lines that are stored in this table.
LINE points to regular invoice lines that normally refer to an item. **

--For every row in this table that belongs to a complete transaction (where RA_CUSTOMER_TRX.COMPLETE_FLAG = Y),
  there must be at least one row in the table RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST (which stores accounting information),
  even for non–postable transactions.


The primary key for this table is CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID.

ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG is Y if this row is part of an account set


Oracle Receivables groups different transactions bythe column CLASS.
These classes include invoice (INV),
debit memos(DM), guarantees (GUAR),
credit memos (CM), deposits (DEP),
chargebacks (CB), and receipts (PMT).

The primary key for this table is PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID

--AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for non-payment transaction entries
such as the creation of credit memos, debit memos, invoices, chargebacks, or deposits.

table for these transactions.

--AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table for invoice-related payment transactions using the
foreign key CASH_RECEIPT_ID.

--When a receiptis applied, Oracle Receivables updates AMOUNT_APPLIED, STATUS and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING.

--STATUS changes from ’OP’ to ’CL’for any transaction that has an AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING value of 0(Zero)

--The sum of the AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING column for a customer for all confirmed payment schedules reflects the current customer balance. If this amount is negative, then this column indicates the credit balance amount currently available for this customer.

--For invoices with split terms, one record is created in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and one record is stored in AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL for each installment.

--In AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, DUE_DATE and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING can differ for each installment of a split term invoice. Each installment is differentiated by the TERMS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER column.

If you create a debit memo reversal when you reverse a receipt, Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record for the
debit memo and fills in REVERSED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID with the CASH_RECEIPT_ID of the receipt that was reversed.
Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record when you create a chargeback in the Receipts window.
ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID is the cash receipt of the payment you entered when you created the chargeback in this window.
GL_DATE_CLOSED indicates the general ledger date on which your transaction was closed.


Adjustment, Miscellaneous Cash, and Finance Charge

The primary key for this table is RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID.


Possible statuses of your applications include APP, UNAPP, ACC, and UNID

There are two kinds of applications: CASH and CM (for credit memo applications). This is stored in the column APPLICATION_TYPE.

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