July 24, 2010


Single Table Maintenance - (Create all the single record maintenance forms in your project)

 Practice 1 - Create a Data Block Using the Data Block Wizard

1.   Launching the Form Builder
·                                 Start - Programs - Developer 2000 R2.1 - Form Builder.
2.   At Welcome to the Form Builder - select
·         Use the Data Block Wizard
Then click OK
3.   At Data Block Wizard - select
·         Table or View
Then click Next
4.   Click Browse…
Connect to database SCOTT / TIGER
Then click Connect
Click OK at the next dialog box.
At select DEPT then click OK
Click >> select all to database items then click Next
(Enforce Data Integrity, Content Canvas, Single Record, Form Style, No Scrollbar)
5.   Select
·         Just create the data block
Then click Finish
6.   Change MODULE1 to DEPT

Practice 2 - Create and Modifying Layouts Using the Layout Wizard

1.   Right click on Object Navigator | Forms | Data Blocks | DEPT
2.   Select Layout Wizard
3.   Select Content type
Then click Next
4.   Click >> select all to Display items
Then click Next
5.   Use the default Width and Height
Then click Next
6.   Select
·         Form
Then click Next
7.   Frame Title: DEPT
Records Displayed: 1
Distance Between Records: 0
Then click Next
Then click Finish
8.   Compile and Save the file in D:/Oracle_Dev/TEST_DEPT
9.   Run Form
10. Click Execute Query button to populate data into data block.
11. Click Next / Previous button for navigation.
12. Exit Form

Practice 3 - Modifying Layouts Using the Layout Wizard

1.   Right click on Object Navigator | Forms | Canvases | Graphics | FRAME3
2.   Select Layout Wizard
3.   Remove DEPTNO from Displayed items to Available Items
Then click Next
4.   Use the default Width and Height
Then click Next
5.   Select
·         Tabular
Then click Next
6.   Frame Title: DEPT
Records Displayed: 5
Distance Between Records: 0
Then click Next
Then click Finish
7.   Compile and Run Form
8.   Exit CANVAS2

Restricting Queries with SQL statements

Practice 5 - Restricting queries with field-level Criteria

1.   Click on Enter Query Button.
2.   Move cursor to Sal
3.   Type:
4.   Click Execute Query Button.
5.   Type the following in the pop up dialog window.
:Salary between 1200 and 3000
6.   Click OK.

Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records

Practice 6 - using Form to update records

1.   Click on Execute Query Button.
2.   Modify any record.
3.   Click Save Button.

Practice 7 - using Form to insert records

1.   Click on Insert Record Button.
2.   Enter any data in the blank area.
3.   Click Save Button.

Practice 8 - using Form to delete records

1.   Click on Execute Query Button.
2.   Navigate to any that you wont to delete.
3.   Click on Delete Record Button.
4.   Click Save Button.

Practice 10 - Creating a hints

1.   Right click on EXIT button
2.   Select Property Palette
3.   Find Hint under Help section.
4.   Type Click to Exit This Program
5.   Exit and run.

Practice 11 - Creating a ToolTips

1.   Right click on EXIT button
2.   Select Property Palette
3.   Find ToolTip under Help section.
4.   Type Exit
5.   Exit and run.

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