July 25, 2010


 Creating LOVs

1. Start a new module by clicking on File - New - Form.

2. Change Module’s name to TEST_LOV.

3. Set up DEPT and EMP data blocks and its relationship.

4. Click Object Navigator
LOVs and then on tool bar click Create button.

5. In the New LOV dialog box select

• New Record Group Based on the Query Below...

6. Enter the following code

SELECT distinct job

FROM emp


7. Click OK. (The hour glass will no go away)

8. Double click to open the property palette for the new LOV (under LOVs).

9. Change Name to JOB_LOV

10. Click on Column Mapping Properties (under Functional).

11. Click on More button.

12. Click Column Name JOB then in Return Item box type Emp.JOB. This specifies the destination into which the LOV will place the job value.

13. Enter a display width of 50. Click OK

14. Change Object Navigator
Record Groups
LOV name to JOB_LOV

15. On Layout Editor double click on JOB to bring up property palette and set List of Values to JOB_LOV

16. Set Validate from List to YES.

17. Save file under c:/orant/Forms50/Class/TEST_LOV.FMB

18. Run form.

• LOV, using auto-reduction, to populate a job if it finds one job that matches the first character that you typed. Otherwise a pup-up window open if more than on job are found or invalid job is entered.

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