November 11, 2015

Query to check the security Profile

     fu.employee_id emp_id,
     ppx.employee_number emp_no,
     (select from apps.hr_all_organization_units haou where haou.organization_id = psf.organization_id)cc,
     fu.start_date usr_st_dt,
     fu.end_date usr_ed_dt,  
     fur.start_date res_st_dt,
     fur.end_date res_ed_dt,
--     fu.encrypted_user_password passwrd  
     apps.xxhr_reports_pkg.get_parent_organization_id(psf.organization_id,'BU') BU ,
    apps.fnd_user fu,
    apps.per_people_x ppx,
    apps.fnd_user_resp_groups_direct fur,
    apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frv,
    apps.fnd_application fa,
    apps.fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
    apps.fnd_profile_options fpo,
    apps.fnd_profile_options_tl fpot,
    apps.per_security_profiles psf
where 1=1
  and fu.employee_id = ppx.person_id(+)
  --and TRUNC(SYSDATE) between fu.start_date and NVL(fu.end_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE))
  --and TRUNC(SYSDATE) between fur.start_date and NVL(fur.end_date,TRUNC(SYSDATE))
  and fu.user_id = fur.user_id
  and frv.responsibility_id = fur.responsibility_id
  and fa.application_id     =frv.application_id
--and fa.application_short_name IN('PAY','PER','XXHR')
and fa.application_short_name like 'PER'
  and fpov.application_id  = fa.application_id
and fpov.level_value = frv.responsibility_id(+)
and fpov.profile_option_id = fpo.profile_option_id
and fpov.level_id        = 10003
   and fpo.profile_option_name = fpot.profile_option_name
and ppx.business_group_id = 1268
and ppx.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
and psf.security_profile_name like XXHR BU Security Profile New'--Profile Name

Supervisor HR Security Profile

select * from fnd_responsibility where responsibility_id=53256

select * from fnd_security_groups frg

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Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...