October 27, 2011

FOrmsPersonalization:To restrict a receipt method LOV for a responsibility

In Order Management Responsibility go to quick sales order menu
  • create a sales order
  • click on actions
  • Choose payments
  • form main menu go to help-diagnostics-custom code-personalize
1.Add a Sequence with description,


Under Condition ;
trigger event ; when_new_item_instance
Trigger_object ; blockname.filed-name(In which u need the personalization)
Condition:optional,can give any default values e.g:

Under Level Choose the responsibility that you want to assign.




Now go to actions tab

2.The first sequence is built-in and the second sequence is property for a LOV
e.g:Seq 10
In Builtin Type Choose;Create record group for query
Argument;Enter your query
1. If u r changing the existing record group the you need to check the exiting record group query and develop your query by choosing same columns and with your own condition appropriately.
2. U need to refer the the LOV that u r Personalizing.
Group Name;Give a custom name
E.g. query
**-For type Cash**
SELECT rm.NAME,rm.receipt_method_id
/*Have choosen the same columns as per the default LOV Record group query and changed the where clause as per my requirement*/
ar_receipt_methods rm,
oe_payments b,
ar_receipt_method_accounts_all rma,
fnd_lookup_values flv,
ce_bank_acct_uses_all cba
AND rm.receipt_method_id = rma.receipt_method_id
AND flv.lookup_type like '%PAYMENT_METHODS%' --Existing LOV Name--
AND rma.remit_bank_acct_use_id = cba.bank_acct_use_id and
rma.org_id = cba.org_id
AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND Flv.LOOKUP_CODE not IN('CCR')--Condition for Where Clause--
AND rm.receipt_method_id IN('2012')
GROUP BY rm.NAME,rm.receipt_method_id

3.Create property for the built-in type

My desp; Restrict Receipt Method for cash

Property_name;Group Name
Value;Give the custom name that u have given for the Builtin Group Name

And ITS DONE !!!!





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