June 9, 2011

Functional flow

Purchasing Responsibility:Purchase Order->Purchase Order
Supplier: *************
Type: Standard Purchase Order
Item: Expense Items
Item No: 10131
Quamtity: 5
Amount 200
Check Shipment tab before saving for ->Receiveing Control:Recepit Routing: Direct delivery

In distrubutions Tab can locate the sub-inventory.
Click on Approve Buttom
The status of PO will be Approved

Create Receipts:

Purchasing: Receiving->Receipts
In Find Expected receipts window search using PO number:Click on Find button
Tick the checkbox in Lines tab
Fill The sub Inventory Information

Hit on Save..Open the header and note the receipt Number

Now In Inventory Responsibility and check on On Hand Quantity
Inventory->On-hand Quantity

Search Using receipt number
Check Material transaction in inventory itself
Transaction->Material Transaction
Query the item With date
Now can create Invoice in payables responsibility for the receipt

Fill the Invoice Number,Supplier Info and Match with the receipt

Match with full amount with receipt number and validate the invoice

Click on Actions And Validate the Invoice

For Full payment we have done:-
Matching Receipts : Half Payment
Two Receipts Matching for a single invoice
Create two receipts for a Single PO,
Match the receipts with different invoice numbers.


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