June 23, 2011

Table Changes in R12

po_accrual_reconcile_temp_all:- is a temp table in 11i will get populated while running the Accrual Reconciliation report.


Kindly leave your comments on this..? if we are using the report in R12 after migartion????

Setting Organisation in R12



Can execute this command to set the organisation.

June 14, 2011

R12 XML Reports Migration From 11i

XML Report Conversion Steps:

Note: Ref to Oracle Document
Required Jar Files:
These jar files will be installed in the JAVA_TOP ($JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/fnd/jar) in the application.

Or else we can get this Jar files by installing the patch 5472959

Conversion Process:
Note: I have taken the RDF in my local directory and did the conversion.( E:\Meera_Project).We can perform in Application by placing the RDF in any custom_top directory.
Taken a sample report XXXX.RDF
1. Convert RDF report to XML report. : Create output folder for the report .(I created a Output folder in my local directory.( E:\Meera_Project\Output)
 Run rwconverter from command prompt, to create xml version of oracle report.


Rwconverter batch=yes source= E:\Meera_Project\LACPRDSPC.rdf dest= E:\Meera_Project\ OUTPUT\ xxxx.xml dtype=xmlfile overwrite=yes

This creates xxxx.xml in output folder.   
2. Creating Data template from Oracle Report using DataTemplateGenerator:

I have kept the required jar files in the local host Directory, Need to run the command in command prompt from the java-Jar files directory location. In Instance we need to run from the Java_top, jar file location

The command is:-

java.exe -verbose -cp aolj.jar;xdoparser.jar;collections.jar;j5472959_xdo.zip;versioninfo.jar;xmlparserv2-904.jar oracle.apps.xdo.rdfparser.DataTemplateGenerator E:\Meera_Project\ \OUTPUT\ xxxxx.xml

The output lists the data template name and any PL/SQL packaged code created.
Common errors here would be missing of the required jar files. This step generated the Data Template (xxxx_template.xml) and PL/SQL package (xxxx.pls and xxxx.pls) for any report trigger code.
Upload PL/SQL Package to the Database

Many converted Oracle Reports will generate a PL/SQL package specification file and a PL/SQL package body file as follows:

Run the PL/SQL package files against your Oracle Database as follows. This will create the PL/SQL package specification and body.

SQL> @E:\Meera_Project\PMC\R12\OUTPUT\ xxxx.pls

SQL> @E:\Meera_Project\PMC\R12\OUTPUT\ xxxx.pls

3. Creating RTF template from Oracle Report using RTFTemplateGenerator.

I have kept the required jar files in the local host Directory, Need to run the command in command prompt from the java-Jar files directory location. In Instance we need to run from the Java_top, jar file location

The command is:-

java.exe -verbose -cp aolj.jar;xdoparser.jar;collections.jar;j5472959_xdo.zip;versioninfo.jar;xmlparserv2-904.jar oracle.apps.xdo.rdfparser.RTFTemplateGenerator E:\Meera_Project\ OUTPUT\xxxx.xml

The output lists the rtf template name and log created.

This step generated the RTF Template (xxxx.rtf)
Once the output files are generated, follow the below steps to register and run the BI Publisher report:

 Upload PL/SQL package to the database.

 In XML Publisher Administrator responsibility, create data definition and assign the data template file.

 Create RTF template and assign rtf template file.

 Create concurrent program with short name same as above data definition name and assign xxxx as executable.

 Run the concurrent program and test the output with the original oracle report output.

June 9, 2011

Functional flow

Purchasing Responsibility:Purchase Order->Purchase Order
Supplier: *************
Type: Standard Purchase Order
Item: Expense Items
Item No: 10131
Quamtity: 5
Amount 200
Check Shipment tab before saving for ->Receiveing Control:Recepit Routing: Direct delivery

In distrubutions Tab can locate the sub-inventory.
Click on Approve Buttom
The status of PO will be Approved

Create Receipts:

Purchasing: Receiving->Receipts
In Find Expected receipts window search using PO number:Click on Find button
Tick the checkbox in Lines tab
Fill The sub Inventory Information

Hit on Save..Open the header and note the receipt Number

Now In Inventory Responsibility and check on On Hand Quantity
Inventory->On-hand Quantity

Search Using receipt number
Check Material transaction in inventory itself
Transaction->Material Transaction
Query the item With date
Now can create Invoice in payables responsibility for the receipt

Fill the Invoice Number,Supplier Info and Match with the receipt

Match with full amount with receipt number and validate the invoice

Click on Actions And Validate the Invoice

For Full payment we have done:-
Matching Receipts : Half Payment
Two Receipts Matching for a single invoice
Create two receipts for a Single PO,
Match the receipts with different invoice numbers.



Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...