May 1, 2011

ADF Sample

Simple example:

-Open jdev and check for database connection
Create a application-Click on file->new->select ADF Business Components->Choose business Components for tables

Give the package name as Demo.model
and click on query button
Select the table u wish to modify

Add the the selected tables to the right side by clicking on > direction arrows

Add updateable views in next step

Skip read only objects step.Click finish as it will load the default options.

Under appmodule package created -(which will be in the navigator window)you will find the tablename.xml extension as in the image given below.Double click on it.

Double on any column you want to change and click on validation

Rule type-Range
min value 0 and max value is 200

Apply and click ok.(cab chage the default date dype under UI Hints format type)
Close all and save

ref to

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