October 5, 2010

Date track for update

To pull the date updated by eliminating the previous version we can use this truncate staement for date tracked tables which will give only the updated values.

E.g:- select nvl(pac.segment1,null) from
                         per_person_analyses ppa,
                         per_analysis_criteria pac,
                         per_all_people_f papf
                         where ppa.ANALYSIS_CRITERIA_ID=pac.ANALYSIS_CRITERIA_ID
                         and ppa.id_flex_num =p_id_flex_num and ppa.person_id=p_person_id
                         and papf.person_id=ppa.person_id and
                         trunc(sysdate) between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
                         and papf.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE and trunc(sysdate) between ppa.DATE_FROM
                         and nvl  (ppa.DATE_TO,trunc(sysdate));

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Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...