August 13, 2011

AP Check Printing R12

From Scratch:

1. Create XML Template
Payables Manager>Setup>Payment>Payment Administrator>Formats>XML Publisher Format Templates
Click on 'Create Template'
Enter the name,Code,Application is Payments
Data Definition=Oracle Payments FUnds Disbursement Payment Instruction Extract 1.0
File Territoru:US
Upload your RTF File
2.Create Payment Format:
Payables Manager>Setup>Payment>Payment Administrator>Formats>Formats
Select Type=Disbursement Payment Instruction
Click On create
Enter Code,NameType:Same as above we have created for template
Data Extract=Oracle Payments FUnds Disbursement Payment Instruction Extract 1.0
XML PUblisher Extract=XML Template Name Created in Step1

3.Create Payments Document:
Payment Manager>Setup>Payment>Bank Accounts

Query The Bank Name(Assuming bank setup has been done already)
Select The Bank Account and Click on manage Payment Documents.
Click on create,Enter name as 'Sample Check Payment Document'
Paper Stock Type:Blank Stock or Pernumbered Stock
Check the box for attached Remittance stub if Available.(A new filed no.of lines per Remittance Stub' Will be shown up.)-error may occur in printing so adjust the nuber while testing
Format:Enter the Format Defined in Step 2
First Avilable document number:Last available document Number
Enter any other additional field if needed.Click Apply

4.Create Payment Profile:
Payables Manager>Setup>Payment>Payment Administrator>Payment Process Profiles:
Click on create>Enter Code Name
Payment Instruction Format:As defined in step 2
Processing type: Printed
Payment Completion Point:when the payment Instruction is formatted
Default Payment Document:Document Created in step3
Payment file:Send to printer
Check the box 'Automatically Print After Formatting'
Default Printer:Printer name
Click Apply

Now create a invoice in Payable superuser, validate, create account and pay in full,check the payment document in request 'Format Payment Instruction'
set output format as xml if u need to extract the xml file.
Set as pdf by default

R12 AP Check Printing

Check Printing Concepts in R12:
1.Check Data moved to Payments from Payables.
2.Can Update the RTF to change the template of check Printing.
3.No of lines to be printed can be set in Payment Process Profile.

How to download Check Printing RTF:
Download standard oracle template
Payables Manager>Setup>Payment>Payment Administrator>Formats>XML Publisher Format Templates>Query and downloa 'Standard Check Format' IBYDC_STD1.rtf

Generating XML Is Little Difficult.
Can Refer to metalink Note ID:457539.1
Go to Payables>Setup>Payment Administrator

Click on go task of Formats>XML Publisher Formats

Select Data Extract as Oracle Payment Funds Disburesement Payment Instruction Extract,Version 1.
And XML Publisher Type as data Extract Identity In format
Update in Bank Account Documents and in Pay Process request

Go to Payable Super user Responsibility and Create a batch process and submit  the SRS as below with required parameters.
PGM:Create printed Payment Instruction

XML Extract will be in the output file.


Coalesce- return the null values from the expression. It works similar to a case statement where if expression 1 is false then goes to expr...